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De grootste Reason update ooit !!
Reason, alles wat je nodig hebt om jouw muziek te kunnen maken.
Zeer eenvoudig om mee te beginnen, maar als je wilt kun je heel ver gaan kwa mogelijkheden. Boordevol instrumenten, drums, effecten en sounds, alles wat je nodig hebt. Creeer, componeer, neem zang op, gitaren, synths, drums, mix en maak je muziek helemaal af met Reason.
Met Reason 10 kun je nog eenvoudiger je ideeen uitwerken met nog meer instruments dan voorheen en natuurlijk nu compatible met VST-plugins. Wat je aantal sounds gewoon oneindig maakt.
Ergens anders goedkoper? Geen probleem. Klik op ONDERHANDEL en we zullen een lagere prijs bieden !!
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Category: Software Upgrades
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Studio de Dijk biedt de unieke mogelijkheid om online te ONDERHANDELEN over de prijzen.
Ook al proberen wij de prijzen aktueel en scherp te houden, toch kan het zijn dat je vindt dat een prijs niet klopt.
In dat geval kun je over de prijs onderhandelen en maak je kans op een EXTRA KORTING TOT MEER DAN 10%
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KLIK HIER en ONDERHANDEL over de prijs
Wij bezorgen door geheel Nederland en Belgie. Bij bestellingen boven de EUR 39,- rekenen we geen bezorgkosten. (onder de EUR 39,- is dit slechts 5,95)
Included instruments
- Europa Shapeshifting Synthesizer – new in Reason 10!
- Grain Sample Manipulator – new in Reason 10!
- Radical Piano – new in Reason 10!
- Kong Drum Designer
- Thor polysonic synthesizer
- Klang Tuned Percussion – new in Reason 10!
- Pangea World Instruments – new in Reason 10!
- Humana Choir Ensemble – new in Reason 10!
- NN-XT Advanced Sampler
- NN19 Sampler
- Malström Graintable Synthesizer
- Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player
- Redrum pattern-based drum machine
- Subtractor analog subtractive synthesizer
- ID-8 songwriter’s toolbox
- Combinator, for building chains of instruments, effects, and pattern sequencers
Included Player devices
- Scales & Chords
- Dual Arpeggio
- Note Echo
Included effects
- Softube Guitar amplifier with amp and cabinet modeling
- Softube Bass amplifier with amp and cabinet modeling
- RV7000 MkII advanced convolution reverb
- Synchronous Timed Effect Modulator – new in Reason 10!
- Alligator triple channel pattern based gate
- Pulveriser distortion, compressor and envelope follower module
- The Echo high quality stereo echo
- Neptune pitch corrector and voice synthesizer
- Audiomatic Retro Transformer
- RV-7 digital reverb
- DDL-1 digital delay line
- D-11 foldback distortion
- ECF-42 envelope-controlled filter
- DF-101 chorus/flanger
- PH-90 phaser
- COMP-01 compressor
- PEQ2 2-band EQ
- Scream 4 Sound Destruction Unit
- BV512 vocoder with 4 to 512 bands and equalization
- UN16 unison
- 4-band mastering EQ
- Dual band stereo imager
- Stereo compressor with sidechain input, soft-knee mode and CV out
- Maximizer with look-ahead and soft clip
Modeled mixing console with complete channel strip for every instrument and audio channel
- Gain
- 4-band EQ
- 8 Send effects slots
- Insert effect slot
- Dynamics section with compressor and gate
- Lo-pass and hi-passfilter
- Spectrum analyzer
- Master compressor with sidechain input
- Group channels
- Parallel channels
Other features
- VST plugin support: add any instrument or effect plugin to Reason’s rack.
- Supports the Allihoopa music making and collaboration service, with access to an endless supply of inspiring user-created music, backing tracks and performances.
- Support for Ableton Link: effortlessly sync Reason and other link enabled apps over WiFi.
- Unlimited audio recording and instrument channels
- Rack Extensions lets you expand your collection of instruments and effects from Propellerhead and 3rd party developers
- Huge factory sound bank, with patches for all Reason’s devices, samples, and loops
- Loop Supply & Drum Supply: 3 GB of cutting edge loops and samples – new in Reason 10!
- Fully featured high-precision multitrack sequencer with Blocks mode and audio comping tools
- High quality realtime time stretch & audio transpose
- Pitch Edit mode for polishing your vocal recordings
- Audio slicing and audio quantize—correct the timing of your audio recordings
- Convert recorded or imported audio in the sequencer into REX loops for further sound manipulation
- MIDI instrument output—control synths, samplers and keyboards from Reason’s sequencer
- MIDI clock output—sync hardware to Reason
- Advanced exporting—export your separate mixer channels as individual audio stems, including effects and tempo track
- Live sampling on all Sampler devices
- RPG-8 Monophonic Arpeggiator
- ReGroove Mixer real-time groove console
- Matrix pattern-based sequencer
- Pulsar Dual LFO
- 14:2 mixer w/ EQ and effects send/return
- 6:2 channel stereo line mixer
- Spider Audio Merger & Splitter
- Spider Control Voltage Merger & Splitter
- Remote mapping to external MIDI controllers and hardware control surfaces
- ReWire support
- Supports all major file formats—from wave and aiff to mp3 and more
- Realtime sample rate and bit depth conversion allows for importing any audio into Reason without issues
- Multicore support and 64-bit compatibility makes Reason fast and powerful on any computer
- Self-contained song files make moving projects between computers and collaborator as easy as moving a single file.
System Requirements
Mac OS X
- Fast, stable internet connection for installation and registration
- Intel Mac with multi-core processor
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended for large ReFills or Rack Extensions)
- 4 GB free system disk space required, plus 8 GB for optional content. Additionally, program may use up to 20 GB scratch disk space.
- Mac OS X 10.7 or later (64-bit)
- Monitor with at least 1280×768 resolution
- CoreAudio compliant audio interface or built-in audio hardware
- MIDI interface and a MIDI keyboard recommended
- Fast, stable internet connection for installation and registration
- Intel or AMD multi-core processor
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended for large ReFills or Rack Extensions)
- 4 GB free system disk space required, plus 8 GB for optional content. Additionally, program may use up to 20 GB scratch disk space
- Windows 7 or later (64-bit)
- Monitor with at least 1280×768 resolution
- Audio Interface with ASIO driver
- MIDI interface and a MIDI keyboard recommended
*All product names used are trademarks of their respective owners, and in no way constitutes an association or affiliation with Propellerhead Software. The SSL and/or Solid State Logic trademarks are solely used to identify the products whose sound was studied during Propellerhead Software’s sound modeling development. The trademarks SSL and Solid State Logic are owned by Red Lion 49 Limited. Xfer Records, FXpansion, GForce, Heavyocity, kiloHearts, Izotope and Korg plugins shown in screenshots are sold separately.
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