Steinberg Cubase Artist 9.5
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DAW (audio-midi-sequencer) met 64 audio en 128 miditracks. Mogelijkheid voor maximaal 32 instrumentracks.
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Categories: DAW Software, Steinberg
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Wij bezorgen door geheel Nederland en Belgie. Bij bestellingen boven de EUR 39,- rekenen we geen bezorgkosten. (onder de EUR 39,- is dit slechts 5,95)
DAW (audio-midi-sequencer) met 64 audio en 128 miditracks. Mogelijkheid voor maximaal 32 instrumentracks.
Top 10 key features
- Award-winning 32-bit floating-point Steinberg audio engine with up to 192 kHz, flexible routing and full automatic delay compensation
- Simultaneous playback of 64 audio tracks, 128 MIDI tracks and up to 32 physical inputs and outputs
- MixConsole for pro mixing desk experience and integrated high-end channel strip with dynamics and EQ
- Comprehensive set of 8 outstanding instruments with over 3,000 sounds, including HALion Sonic SE 2, Groove Agent SE 4, Padshop, Retrologue 2 and LoopMash 2
- Suite of over 70 high-end audio and MIDI VST effect processors, including Pitch Correct for vocal editing, VST Amp Rack and VST Bass Amp guitar and bass tone suites, Quadrafuzz v2 and many more!
- Intelligent compositional tools like Chord Track and Chord Pads for creative and playful composing of harmonic progressions and advanced voicings
- Thousands of MIDI construction kits, audio loops and samples as building blocks to create sketches, play-alongs or even full songs with just a few clicks
- Lightning-fast multi-take comping with the dedicated lane tracks and the click-and-drag comp tool for conjuring the perfect recording
- TrackVersions for playlists-like editing and render-in-place for easily bouncing MIDI and audio parts
- Streamlined music notation and score editing feature set
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