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Novation Bass Station II bstock in nieuwstaat

Novation Bass Station II bstock in nieuwstaat

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: € 432.00.Huidige prijs is: € 299.00.


Is ook af te halen in onze showroom in Alkmaar

In nieuwstaat met 2 jaar garantie (retourmodel van klant. Geen krasje, echt als nieuw)

Het gehele signaal pad is volledig analoog, inclusief de effecten. De hardware is uiteengezet in modules met specifieke potmeters, schakelaars, schuif- en drukknoppen voor alle belangrijke parameters. Bass Sation II heeft standaard 64 killer sounds aan boord, heeft plek voor 64 zelf gecreëerde sounds en via de computer zijn nog veel meer sounds op te slaan. De Synth heeft 5-pin MIDI i/o en connect met de computer via USB.

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Novation Bass Station II

De nieuwe Bass Station 2 van Novation is een volledig analoge monofone synthesizer met 25 grote aanslaggevoelige toetsen. De filters van de bass station klinken absoluut supervet. De oude TB303 haal je er bijvoorbeeld perfect uit. Maar ook andere echte OLD SCHOOL bass sounds zijn fantastisch. Behalve bass sounds kun je er natuurlijk ook andere vet klinkende sounds uithalen

Het gehele signaal pad is volledig analoog, inclusief de effecten. De hardware is uiteengezet in modules met specifieke potmeters, schakelaars, schuif- en drukknoppen voor alle belangrijke parameters. Bass Sation II heeft standaard 64 killer sounds aan boord, heeft plek voor 64 zelf gecreëerde sounds en via de computer zijn nog veel meer sounds op te slaan. De Synth heeft 5-pin MIDI i/o en connect met de computer via USB.


  • Analogue synth. brand new version of the classic Bass Station:
    Bass Station II has a pure analogue audio signal path, reviving the spirit of the original Bass Station with an all-new design optimised for bass
  • Two distinct analogue filters:
    A brand new ‘Acid’ filter joins the ‘Classic’ original Bass Station filter (‘Classic’ switches between low, hi and band pass with 12 and 24dB slopes)
  • Load and save patches:
    Bass Station II ships with 64 factory patches and a further 64 user slots. Patch dump enables you to archive and swap sounds
  • Pattern-based Step Sequencer and Arpeggiator:
    Bass Station II has an arpeggiator with a programmable step sequencer that enables you to store and call up patterns and quickly sketch-out ideas
  • Dedicated Tweakable Controls:
    Analogue synth layout includes dedicated controls for all major parameters enabling instant hands-on control of the sound engine
  • Two Oscillators plus an additional Sub Oscillator:
    Bass Station II has two sync-able, tune-able oscillators with four selectable waveforms, plus a third sub-oscillator for generating enormous bass sounds
  • Analogue effects section:
    Bass Station II includes fully analogue distortion and filter-modulation effects and a separate filter overdrive to add an aggressive, crunchy sound-quality
  • Flexible modulation featuring 2 Envelopes and 2 LFOs:
    LFO waveforms include triangle, sawtooth, square and sample & hold. Two ADSR envelopes are available for filter, pitch and pulse width modulation
  • MIDI I/O and USB connectivity:
    Bass Station II can be connected to your music software as well as your MIDI compatible hardware
  • Players ‘synth-action’ keyboard with aftertouch:
    The keyboard mechanism is a two-octave (25 note) velocity sensitive synth-action keyboard with full-size keys and assignable aftertouch
  • Oscillators:
    Bass Station II is built on three analogue oscillators and a noise generator. There are two fully independent oscillators plus a sub oscillator (which is the critical component in creating rich, analogue bass sounds). Oscillators One and Two are switchable between sine, sawtooth, square and variable pulse width, and Oscillator Three – the sub osc – can be set to one or two octaves below Oscillator One. It can be square, sine or narrow pulse width, delivering the characteristically ‘fat’ bass tone.
  • Filters:
    You can select between two discrete filters – ‘Acid’ or ‘Classic’ – each with a built in overdrive for pushing filter tones from dry, to warm, to nasty! The ‘Classic’ Bass Station filter can be switched between low pass, high pass and band pass at 12 or 24dB slopes. The ‘Acid’ filter is based on a diode ladder filter design that delivers a characteristically 303-esque sound that is designed to squelch!
  • Effects:
    Bass Station II has two effects (not including the filter overdrive). Analogue distortion drives circuit components to add new frequencies to the sound. Bass Station II’s Distortion function can add gentle warmth, filthy granularity and anything in between. The second effect is ‘Osc Filter Mod’ which creates a distinctive FM-type sound by using Oscillator Two to modulate the filter frequency. This is very good at crunchy, sound-mulching effects that substantially fatten up bass and lead patches.
  • Modulation:
    There are two envelope generators and two low frequency oscillators (LFOs). The first envelope is an ADSR amp envelope and the second is a mod envelope that can be used to modulate filter frequency, oscillator pitch and osc pulse width. LFO One is dedicated to pitch modulation whereas LFO Two is used to modulate osc pulse width and filter frequency. Although it looks like there are four LFO waveforms, the ‘LFO Slew’ function can be used freely to sculpt LFOs into smoother wave-shapes.
  • Arpeggiator and step sequencer:
    Bass Station II’s Arpeggiator and Step Sequencer are killer performance and production tools. The Arp can be directed to run through 32 different rhythmic patterns in different directions with a switchable octave range. The fun really starts when you engage the Step Sequencer. Up to four sequences can be played in – with legato and rests – and assigned to any one of the 32 rhythmic patterns. As well as getting ideas down quickly and programming performance sequences, this is a brilliant way to preview patches while you are editing them.