Nieuw exemplaar, echter de doos is nogal beschadigd. Dus kunnen we helaas niet meer als nieuw verkopen.
Nord Stage zelf is nieuw, niet beschadigd en ongebruikt en uiteraard 100% in orde met volledige fabrieksgarantie.
Met 88 gewogen triple-sensor toetsen
De Nord Stage 4 heeft een gloednieuw paneelontwerp met speciale LED-faders , wat zorgt voor een uitzonderlijk overzicht en flexibiliteit bij het creëren van geluiden en live optredens. De nieuwe Preset Library zit boordevol inspirerende, kant-en-klare piano-, synth- en orgelklanken voor het snel en intuitief maken van patches.
2Gb geheugen voor Nord Piano sounds
120 polyfonie voor piano sounds
1Gb voor Nord Sample Library
Nord Wave 2 synth engine
Oscillator Types: Analog (incl. Super, Noise and Misc ), Digital Waves, FM and Sample
46 Voice synth section
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Nord Stage 4 88
De Nord Stage 4 heeft een gloednieuw paneelontwerp met speciale LED-faders , wat zorgt voor een uitzonderlijk overzicht en flexibiliteit bij het creëren van geluiden en live optredens. De nieuwe Preset Library zit boordevol inspirerende, kant-en-klare piano-, synth- en orgelklanken voor het snel en intuitief maken van patches.
Master Level Control
Wooden Pitch Stick
Modulation Wheel
512 Programs – 8 Banks with 8 Pages each. Each Page has 8 Program locations
Preset Library with Organ, Piano and Synth Presets including effects. 2×64 Organ Preset locations, 2×64 Piano Preset locations, 8×64 Synth Preset locations.
8 Live Programs
2 Individual Layer Scene Setups
3 Morph sources: Modulation Wheel (also controllable by Swell pedal), Control Pedal, Aftertouch
Stereo and Mono output routing options
Programmable Transpose +/- 6 semitones
Master Clock functionality with manual, external and tap-tempo rate control
Internal and MIDI clock source
MIDI over USB functionality
Level control
Up to 3 Split Points (4 Keyboard Zones) with visual LED indication between zones
3 Split Point width (crossfade) options: Lrg, Sml or Off
Nord C2D B3 Tone wheel Organ simulation
Vox Continental and Farfisa models
2 Digital Pipe Organ models
B3 Bass mode
Physical Drawbars with LED graphs
Preset or Drawbar Live mode
Percussion controls
Vibrato / Chorus control
2 Layers (2-Part Multitimbral)
2 GB memory for Piano sounds
All sounds can be replaced using Nord Sound Manager (Mac/Win)
120 Voice Polyphony
Categories: Grand, Upright, Electric, Digital, Layer and Clav/Harpsichord
Classic Transistor Ladder Filter (LP M), 12 & 24 dB Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass and combined Low Pass/Band Pass (LP+BP) filter
Filter Drive: Off, 1, 2 and 3
Filter Tracking: Off, 1/3, 2/3 and Full
3 Unison modes
Vibrato modes controllable from Mod Wheel, Aftertouch and pedal.
Filter envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain) with Velocity control
Amplitude envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain) with Velocity control
Oscillator envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain) with Velocity control
LFO with 5 waveforms/modes: Square, Triangle, Ramp Dn, Ramp Up and Sample & Hold
Advanced Arpeggiator with Arp, Polyphonic and Gate modes
Arpeggiator Patterns for all modes, with Accent and Pan options
LFO and Arpeggiator synchronizable to Master Clock
3 Layers (3-Part Multitimbral)
Mod 1: Tremolo, Auto Pan, Ring Modulator, Wah-Wah, Auto-Wah, Pump (Sidechain modulation). Variation for each effect
Mod 2: Phaser, Flanger, Vibe, Chorus, Ensemble, Spin. Variation for each effect
Delay with Tempo, Feedback and Mix (Dry/Wet) controls, Ping Pong (stereo taps), Tap-Tempo, Feedback Filter (HP/LP/BP), Feedback Effects with Variations and panel selectable Analog mode.
3 types of Amp/Speaker simulations, Twin, JC and Small. Variation for each model
Filter Mode (HP24/LP24) with Cut-off, Resonance and Mix controls
Tube amp simulation with adjustable overdrive
3-band Equalizer with sweepable mid. EQ ranges: 100 Hz, 200 Hz – 8 kHz and 4 kHz
Rotary Speaker: selectable speed (Stop, Slow and Fast) and separate overdrive
Effect rates/tempo can be synchronized to the Master Clock
Compressor with Fast Mode
Reverb: 6 algorithms (Spring, Booth, Room, Stage, Hall and Cathedral) with Dark/Bright modes and Variation/Chorale options
Nord Stage 4 88: 88-key Triple Sensor Hammer Action keyboard with Aftertouch. Range: A-C