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Category: Microfoons
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Wij bezorgen door geheel Nederland en Belgie. Bij bestellingen boven de EUR 39,- rekenen we geen bezorgkosten. (onder de EUR 39,- is dit slechts 5,95)
The MXL APS Podcasting Bundle offers three standout hardware components for first-time podcasters looking to start. The MXL BCD-1 Live Broadcast Dynamic Microphone is an end address microphone with warm, rich tones and excellent side rejection. The BCD-Stand with articulating hinge arm allows for easy mic placement and provides a professional look and feel for podcasters. The MXL Mic Mate Pro is an XLR-to-USB adapter audio interface with 48V phantom power, gain and headphone volume control, and studio-quality preamp.Together these products provide the essential hardware components you need to start a high-quality audio podcast.
The MXL BCD-1 is an end address dynamic microphone with warm, rich tones designed to make vocals stand out in any performance or recording. The built-in swivel mount allows for perfect positioning when combined with the MXL BCD-Stand.
MXL BCD-1 Live Broadcast Microphone Features:
- Dynamic broadcast mic that delivers a bright sound.
- Excellent side rejection that’s great in a noisy room.
- Tuned grill that eliminates internal reflections.
- Built-in shockmount that prevents unwanted noise.
- Also excellent for recording vocals for music.