Kurzweil Kore 64
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ROM Board Expansion
Geschikt voor Kurzweil PC3 / PC3K Serie
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Categories: Kurzweil, Synth Workstations
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KORE 64 Overview
The KORE 64™ ROM option represents a complete expansion and reimagining of the PC3 and PC3K’s sonic potential (not for the PC3LE). Pushing the limits of V.A.S.T. synthesis for both realistic and experimental electronic sounds, KORE 64™ adds over 300 new programs, including stunning new Synths, Electric Guitars, Horns, Drums and Percussion. With KORE 64™ installed, the PC3/K built-in program library now totals over 1400 presets!
New Setups:
- 50 new setups featuring the KORE 64™ sounds.
- Over 200 new drum grooves in multiple styles.
- New Dance and Hip Hop setups for triggering and controlling beats in real time.
New Synths:
- New samples modeled after the Oberheim SEM, ARP Chroma, TX802, CZ1, and dozens of legacy waveforms from the K series.
- Over 100 new synth programs.
- Sounds for popular electronic music styles like House, Trance, Dubstep, Drum&Bass, Glitch, Electro Hip Hop, and more.
- More real time controls, beat-synced modulations and envelope control transform sounds without hitting the edit button.
- Atmospheric and cycling pads voiced for performing, producing, and scoring.
New Guitars:
- New samples modeled after the Gibson Les Paul and Fender Stratocaster.
- Palm muted and sustained articulations playable in a picked or legato style.
- Instant-shredder arpeggiator patterns, whammy bar effects, and realistic feedback emulations.
- Preset sounds from Rock, Country, Rock-a-Billy, Metal, Funk, and more.
New Brass/Woodwinds:
- New alto sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, trumpet, and trombone samples.
- New programs include solo instruments and custom sections with many combinations of the different instruments.
- Articulate with pressure on several new programs.
- Sections cover styles from Big Band, Soul, Funk, Latin, R&B, Hip Hop, Rock and more.
New Drums
- Drums from Yamaha, Ludwig, Pearl, DW, Rogers, and Gretsch recorded as full kits.
- Full cymbal arrays recorded with Zildjian, Paiste, and Sabian cymbals.
- 72 new Drum Kits and 62 percussion instruments and templates.
- 10 times the samples and 30 times the data of the existing PC3/PC3K Drums.
- All drum kits have mixer functioning on the sliders to change the level the kick, snare, toms, hats, and percussion independently.
- Unsurpassed realism and playability for sampled drums.
- Full complement of Electronic and Processed Drum samples.
- Scratches, hits and Industrial Sounds.
- Wide variety of traditional and processed Percussion sounds.