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De Liquid Saffire 56 is een 2HE 28 i/o FireWire/Thunderbolt geluidskaart met als meest spectaculaire feature: 2 originele Liquid™ range microfoonpreamps, bekend uit de Liquid Channel en Liquid 4Pre. Met deze preamps staan maar liefst 10 legendarische preamp sounds ter beschikking per kanaal.
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Categories: Firewire Audio, Focusrite, Occasions
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De Liquid Saffire 56 is een 2HE 28 i/o FireWire/Thunderbolt geluidskaart met als meest spectaculaire feature: 2 originele Liquid™ range microfoonpreamps, bekend uit de Liquid Channel en Liquid 4Pre. Met deze preamps staan maar liefst 10 legendarische preamp sounds ter beschikking per kanaal. Daarnaast biedt de Liquid Saffire 56 zes klassieke Focusrite preamps, 16-channel ADAT i/o, S/PDIF en 2x virtual loopback input. Voor monitoring zijn twee koptelefoon uitgangen en een toegewezen stereo monitor output voorhanden; via Saffire pro Control kan iedere willekeurige mix naar alle uitgangen gestuurd worden. De Liquid Saffire 56 maakt gebruik van de ongeëvenaarde JettPLL™ jitter converter technologie.
- Two Liquid Preamps The marriage of a hugely flexible analogue front end with cutting-edge dynamic convolution DSP’ each Liquid Preamp lets you choose from ten different classic preamp emulations’ with an eleventh ‘flat’ option.
- Six High Quality Award-winning Focusrite Preamps Six award-winning Saffire preamps complement two Liquid preamps. All eight demonstrate the same wide bandwidth philosophy behind the early vintage Focusrite units.
- High Quality 24-bit/192kHz Firewire/Thunderbolt Interface Professional digital conversion and JetPLL™ jitter-elimination technology; pristine audio quality and reliable synchronisation are guaranteed.
- Total I/O Count of 28 Inputs and 28 Outputs A host of I/O options are provided*’ including a unique ‘loopback’ facility for routing audio between software applications via Saffire MixControl.
- Suite of Focusrite VST/AU plug-ins Upgrade your standard sequencer effects and bring a touch of class to your session with Focusrite Compression’ Reverb’ Gating and EQ VST/AU plug-ins.
- Two separate headphone buses Two artists can receive independent and fully customised monitor mixes. Each output has an independent level control available on the front panel.
- Saffire Mix Control Zero-latency DSP Mixer/Router Routing flexibility and intuitive one-click setup solutions; Saffire MixControl provides an 18 x 16 DSP mixer with excellent output routing and monitoring capabilities.
- Front panel five-step LED metering LED metering for each of the analogue’ ADAT1′ ADAT2 or S/PDIF inputs offers accurate viewing of levels direct from the front fascia.
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