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KLIK HIER en ONDERHANDEL over de prijs
Wij bezorgen door geheel Nederland en Belgie.Bij bestellingen boven de EUR 39,- rekenen we geen bezorgkosten. (onder de EUR 39,- is dit slechts 5,95)
4 Sound engines with variable sound sources
Harmonic engine with up to 512 partials, phase modulation and random control
Wavetable Engine with a total of 164 wavetables as well as ring modulation and adjustable pulse width
Utility engine with sub-oscillator and 2 noise sample layers
Unisono with adjustable number of voices, detuning, phase and stereo width
Jup-8 V and MS-20 filters
Complex modulation matrix, flexible LFOs and numerous sync options
Supplemented by functions such as macro control, chord generation and random-controlled, polyrhythmic sequencer
Polyrhythmic arpeggiator
Effects section with 18 different effects such as shimmer verb, pitch-shift delay, BL-20 flanger, Jun-6 chorus, etc.
Library with 14000 presets
Compatible with ODDSound MTS-ESP Microtuning and MPE
Clear graphical user interface with light theme and play mode
Verzendmethode: E-mail
Licentie geldigheid: Onbeperkt
Kopie bescherming: Arturia Sofware Center
Gelijktijdige activaties: 5
Windows: vanaf 10 (64-Bit)
Mac OS (64 Bit): vanaf 10.13
CPU min.: Quad Core 3,4 GHz
RAM min.: 4 GB
Harde schijf opslag min.: 2 GB
extra Systeemeisen: Internetverbinding voor installatie en activatie